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December 22, 2010

Sorry :(

Hey guys,

Wow I know right, there's finally a new blog! Well, don't get too excited.

As you may have noticedd my blog is very outdated, reason being that:
  1. I have very limited time to write
  2. I'm very tired by the end of the day
  3. Alot of hotels have had internet, but just as many haven't. And sometimes it's very expensive.
  4. The hotels that do have internet are never able to upload a blog in less than 2 hours, just because of the poor wifi connection or the internet speed is bad. You generally pay for the internet by the hour.
So yeah, so sorry about my lack of blogs. I have more written but they won't upload in enough time. This is a short one, so it works, but it will still take a little while to upload.
Some of you may have seen me on facebook and are wondering why I can do that but not blog...well, facebook works for me and for some reason this doesn't. So while writing blogs etc. I upload photos to facebook and contact a few people and when we don't have internet access in the hotel I use my phone to post updates etc. on facebook. Unfortunately I can't write blogs on my phone :(

But don't worry! I have them all saved on the computer and they will be uploaded whenever I get the chance, and even when we've arrived back home.

For those of you who don't know, we're Italy now in the middle of our tour :) It's fantastic! I'm in love with Italy and being on a tour is so much easier, relaxing, fun and informative too because the guides know so much. It's great :)

Hope you all are happy and well. Have a great Christmas and a fantastic new year! Bring on 2011! :)


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