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November 20, 2010

Map of our trip :)

Here's a map of our trip :) It outlines the basic route we'll be taking over the next 6 weeks!

Our flight is tomorrow evening at 8:30pm. We'll be flying to Dubai, and stopping there for around 2 hours, then jumping on another plane to London :) So we're in for a very very long flight full of movies and sleep lol. But it will be worth it!

November 19, 2010

It's almost time :)

Hey all :)

I've created this blog as a way to contact those who want to know what's happening on my holiday overseas! I will try and get online as much as possible and update you all on what we've been up to, as well as posting photos :)

Today I graduated from high school! Woohoo! haha. And now on Monday my family and I are heading overseas for a 6 week holiday!

We're starting off in England, then heading to France, Switzerland, Italy, Egypt and Singapore! Such an exciting trip that we have planned!

The year has gone so fast, and it's hard to believe that we're leaving in a few days! We'll be packing like crazy this coming weekend, making sure we haven't forgotten anything.

This past week has been so surreal with formal, mystery tour and graduation, and now I'm heading off overseas! I can't wait! Going to miss everyone so much though :(

Anyways, I better be getting to bed! I've got a lot of packing to do tomorrow :)
