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December 13, 2010

London - Day 4

After a few exciting and action packed days in London, we thought we'd have a bit of an easy last day.

We started off by heading off to King's Cross and taking a train to a station directly down the street from Abbey Road. Yes that's right, the one and only Abbey Road.
Unfortunately the street isn't actually as calm and traffic free as it appears in the photo. On the other side of the crossing there is actually a busy intersection, so taking a photo was rather difficult. There were 2 other small groups of people trying to achieve the same reanactment photo as us, which made it even harder. Yes it is a crossing, but the person taking the photo isn't on it and you imagine how annoyed the locals would be after 40 years of this; so the drivers weren't very patient when it came to happy snapping.

There was a guy there who offered to take a photo of us all crossing the road and explained how it was his job to take photos of people crossing Abbey Road, and printing out an instant photo for them. We weren't interested, as he weirded us out a bit and who knew how much it would cost. Instead I quickly ran over to an island slightly to the right of the crossing on the adjacent road and took a few photos of Dad and Sam doing the classic Beatles Abbey Road walk. The photos weren't perfect, but good enough.

We headed over to the Abbey Road Studios and took a few happy snaps, but then headed back to the station, as really Abbey Rd. is just a street, there's not much to actually do except take photos haha. Mum had planned for us to visit a store called Harrodm next, which is incredibly famous in Britian because basically it's amazing. Originally I was sceptical, thinking "okay, so we're going to visit a store? What's so special about a store?". Well the answer is, everything. We walked in and were all instantly overwhelmed by the number of perfumes being offered for us to sample and the amazing decor in the store. By the way the new 'l'adore Dior' is really nice :)
From the perfumery we walked into the food section. This was basically a billionaire's grocery store, fine wines and cheese were being sold along side hundreds of breads and gourmet deserts. In the next section of the food department there was fresh fish and freshly cut meat, along with a very very fancy smancy sushi bar. There was a seperate section that was decked out with candy's and chocolates of every single kind you could think of, it was incredible! Like nothing I've ever seen in my life! And this was only the beginning!

The clothes were just as high class as the food and perfumes. I'm talking Chanel, Dior, D&G, Couture, Ralph Lauren and Louis Vitton, and this was not only in womens wear, but in menswear and childrenswear! These brands were also in the accessory section. We were having an excellent time gawking out our amazing sorroundings, however I swore at any moment a snooty french perfume spritzer would say "Excuse moi? May I please 'ave a look at 'ur coat?" See the tag and realise the fact it was bought in a cheap department store, call security, disinfect her hands and then faint from shock. We felt incredibly out of place. It sounds insane, but with this place all decked out with designer everything, egyptian style decor and shop assistants that resembled porceline dolls, I wouldn't be suprised.

We walked into the toys section and finally I felt at home. It's sad I know, but in here you felt like you could actually touch things and ask questions without a porceline doll giving you the evil eye. Don't let that fool you though, everything was still designer brand! I saw a teddy bear about 20cm long that was priced at roughly 150 pounds. Designer teddy bears... what has the world come to.
But anyway, it was very fantastic and dream like, there were people everywhere with a badge saying "Harrods Toys Entertainer" who were demonstrating how some of the toys work. May I just say, what an awesome job! The whole atmosphere was just so fantastic and fun. There were giant lego men and a huge doll house, and even a teddy bear that smelt exactly like strawberries. This place was awesome.

Once we'd finally managed to drag ourselves out of Harrods and had finished staring at their amazing window displays (Peter Pan themed by the way) we headed back to the underground and took the train to Oxford Street, with an intention to go shopping for boots for Mum and I. By this point we were getting pretty hungry, so before the we began our shopping escapade we found a nice looking pub to sit down and have lunch in. We were seated upstairs in a nice cosy room with pictures of celebrities all around the walls. We were later told by the waitress that all of these celebrities had been to that particular pub. Lunch was very nice, we even treated ourselves to a desert :) (and yes Breanna Foley, I got sticky date pudding lol).The waitress was named Natalie and was very friendly, one of the nicest people we had met in England. She got chatting to us and eventually we found out that she was from the suburb next to where Mum was born :) Natalie was such a nice person, she told that she takes care of her 95 year old Grandfather during most of her spare time and so she hasn't had the chance to ever leave England. We really liked her, so much so that we even gave her our email address so that she could contact us if she was ever in Australia.

After lunch we spent an hour or two on a constant hunt for warm boots for Mum and I. We were in and out of shoe stores for what seemed a very long time, when eventually we stumbled upon a Sketchers store. Mum and I bought a pair of Sketchers shoes each to wear over here and they had been treating us well so we knew we were in a good store. Unfortunately Mum couldn't find herself anything, but I found myself a nice pair of warm boots :)

We then decided that seeing as it was our last night in England, that we'd take the bus back to the hotel instead of the underground. We got on a double-decker bus :) Woohooo haha. It felt weird going up stairs on a bus! Even though it took longer than the underground due to traffic, it was a very nice and scenic drive to the hotel :)

You can see the photos from this day on my Facebook in the album 'England - 3' at

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